Podcast #17 - Green Elixir: Hidden Health Benefits of SCALLIONS Revealed

Podcast #17 - Green Elixir: Hidden Health Benefits of SCALLIONS Revealed


### Historical Context

In Chinese medicine, scallions are more than just a culinary ingredient; they are regarded as a potent medicinal herb. Historically, scallions have been used in various forms - raw, cooked, and as a component in herbal mixtures. Their use dates back to ancient times, forming an integral part of traditional remedies.

Properties of Scallions in Chinese Medicine

1. **Nature**: Scallions are considered to have a warm nature. This warmth is believed to help in dispelling coldness from the body, making them ideal for treating ailments caused by cold or yin imbalances, such as colds and certain types of flu.

2. **Taste**: They are pungent in taste, which in TCM is associated with dispersing qualities. This pungency is thought to promote circulation, open up the nasal passages, and aid in the expulsion of mucus and other pathogens from the body.

3. **Meridian Affinity**: In TCM, scallions are believed to target the Lung and Stomach meridians. This means they are used to treat conditions related to these pathways, such as digestive issues, respiratory problems, and to boost the immune system.

4. **Qi (Energy) Movement**: Scallions are thought to facilitate the movement of Qi (vital energy) throughout the body. Their warming and pungent nature helps in unblocking Qi stagnation, which can manifest as pain or discomfort.

### Nutritional Profile

Scallions are rich in essential nutrients like vitamins A, C, and K, and minerals such as calcium and magnesium. They also contain quercetin, a powerful antioxidant, and have anti-inflammatory properties.

### Therapeutic Benefits

1. **Cold and Flu Relief**: Scallions are believed to possess the ability to expel pathogens from the body, especially those causing colds and flu. A traditional remedy involves steeping scallion bulbs in boiling water to make a tea, which is then consumed to alleviate symptoms.

2. **Digestive Health**: They are known to stimulate digestion and appetite. Adding chopped scallions to soups or consuming them with meals can aid in better digestion.

3. **Topical Use for Pain Relief**: Applied externally, the warming nature of scallions can be used to relieve pain, particularly in conditions like arthritis or muscle stiffness. The warmth is believed to improve circulation and reduce pain. A common practice involves using a paste of scallion and applying it to specific areas of the body to alleviate pain or to clear nasal congestion.

4. **Respiratory Health**: They are often used to treat nasal congestion and other respiratory conditions due to their ability to expel mucus and clear nasal passages.

### 1. **Scallion Ginger Tea**


- A handful of fresh scallion whites (bulbs)

- 2-3 slices of fresh ginger

- 1-2 cups of water


- Boil water and add scallion bulbs and ginger slices.

- Simmer for 10-15 minutes.

- Strain and drink warm.

**Benefits**: This tea is beneficial for colds with symptoms of chilliness and lack of sweating. The warm nature of scallions and ginger helps in expelling cold and promoting sweating, which is a way of releasing pathogens from the body in TCM.

### 2. **Scallion Infused Oil**


- 1 cup of chopped scallions (greens and whites)

- 1 cup of a neutral oil like vegetable or canola oil


- Heat the oil in a pan and add the chopped scallions.

- Simmer on low heat until the scallions become crispy.

- Strain the oil and store in a jar.

**Benefits**: This oil can be used in cooking or as a dressing. It's believed to aid digestion and can add the therapeutic properties of scallions to any dish.

### 3. **Scallion and Egg Stir Fry**


- 4-5 beaten eggs

- 1 cup of chopped scallions

- Salt and pepper to taste

- 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil


- Heat oil in a pan, add scallions, and sauté until fragrant.

- Add the beaten eggs, salt, and pepper.

- Stir fry until the eggs are cooked.

**Benefits**: This simple dish is easy to digest and is suitable for boosting Qi and providing warmth to the body. It’s particularly good for those with weak digestive systems.

### 4. **Scallion Pancakes**


- 2 cups all-purpose flour

- ¾ cup boiling water

- 1 cup finely chopped scallions

- Salt and vegetable oil


- Mix flour with boiling water to form a dough, and let it rest.

- Roll out the dough, sprinkle scallions and salt, then roll it up and flatten to form pancakes.

- Fry in a pan with oil until both sides are golden brown.

**Benefits**: A popular snack, scallion pancakes can help in warming the body and aiding in digestion due to the presence of scallions.

### 5. **Scallion Broth with Noodles**


- 4 cups of chicken or vegetable broth

- 1 cup of chopped scallions

- 1 cup of noodles

- Soy sauce, ginger, and garlic for flavor


- Boil the broth and add ginger, garlic, and soy sauce.

- Add noodles and cook until done.

- Add scallions towards the end and simmer for a few minutes.

**Benefits**: This comforting broth is perfect for cold days. It can help in clearing congestion and boosting immunity.